Our on-hand face-to-face service.
From fat-loss, body transformation, performance training, to making lifestyle changes, the team's aim is to help identify your training goals and design a clear path to towards them.
Importantly, your safety is paramount, which doesn't mean you'll get an easy time when training. Being challenged is important to create new stimulus and encourages development and improvement. All of this is on a backdrop of intelligent and appropriate exercise choices.

Online Coaching provides:
Personalised programming, taking the guess work out of your training
Customised and sustainable programmes built with your lifestyle and goals in mind
Nutritional audits and advice to make positive and sustainable changes relevant to you
Regular check-ins for accountability and allow for personalised adjustments to plans
Access to 25+ years of coaching experience
Location independent because your programme is tailored to your circumstances
All of this is done through Shift's personalised app., and a feedback mechanism that fosters ownership, education, and accountability through. contact with your coach.

Suffering from back pain, or other injury?
Pilates provides a total body conditioning workout through controlled movements, with emphasis on core stability, enhancing strength, neuromuscular coordination. and balancing the muscular structure supporting the joints. This helps to increase workout efficiency and prevent injury.
Pilates provides an ideal complement to cardio, weight training, or other mind-body systems such as yoga and is excellent for sports conditioning.
We utilise mat-work, with machines (Reformer, Cadillac and Chair) to develop and refine core control, to provide a great addition to functional strength training.
Shift Pilates instructors are fully qualified through contemporary Stott Pilates, training and gaining experience from London, Hong Kong, Melbourne and Singapore.

Looking for a different angle to your training?
With extensive backgrounds in martial arts training, successful Team GB Karate (Kyokushin) representation, and sound knowledge in the development of speed, agility and quickness, Shift instructors are qualified to deliver world-class fight training, providing all the benefits to increasing your metabolic rate, burn fat, and with programming good enough for elite-level athletes.
For those looking to learn and practice a martial art in its entirety, we also offer 1-on-1 private tuition in the unique style of Kyokushinkai Karate.
Our instructors are affiliated to the British Karate Kyokushinkai (BKK), a member of the International Federation of Karate (IFK)

With extensive experience of pre and post-natal clients, we can help design an effective programme that puts you and your baby’s safety first, and post-natal bring you back to your previous levels of fitness again with your safety as paramount.
Posture can be adversely affected from carrying and feeding your child. You can return to training in as little as 2-6 weeks after the birth, and take part in a personalised programme.
Resistance and fitness training helps to strengthen the body to stand up to the increased demands of pregnancy and child birth.

Injuries can often a result from faulty movement patterns repeated over a prolonged period of time, or an unexpected event or trauma in your life. They happen; it's a fact of life.
Shift instructors have extensive Injuries and Special Populations experience to help with programming a strength training regime to aid with a faster recovery.
Where able, we will work with your medical team to understand your condition and together design a realistic rehabilitation roadmap to bring you back to fitness.